DSCAN-The Executive Bilingual Assistant and all Sub-modules and Databases Copyright 1996 Dominique Gérard Schneider Version: 1.0 for Windows - All Rights Reserved Once Installed, you can move the DSCAN directory and its subdirectories on any drive or under any directory of your choice. DSCAN can also be located on an UNIX server and then can be accessed from a PC running Windows. Read the readme.txt and readme.doc files for more information concerning the use of the product. Once installed you will be able to display the DSCAN Online Help by pushing the F1 key from most DSCAN dialog boxes. INSTALLATION: If you received DSCAN-The Executive Bilingual Assistant via the network: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The installation of DSCAN-The Executive Bilingual Assistant is done in 4 easy steps: To execute these batch files, from the file manager double click on the corresponding file names. 1) Create the home directory for dscan: c:\dscan. 2) Copy dscan1a.exe in c:\dscan and double click on it to extract the files into the c:\dscan directory. 3) Copy dscan1b.exe in c:\dscan and double click on it to extract the files into the c:\dscan directory. 4) Load the Database by executing (double click on it) c:\dscan\loadata.bat. If you received 2 diskettes: ---------------------------- The installation of DSCAN-The Executive Bilingual Assistant is done in 3 easy steps: 1) With disk1 in drive A, open the file manager and double click on insdisk1.bat to unzip the files from dscan1a.exe into the c:\dscan directory. 2) With disk2 in drive A, from the file manager and double click on insdisk2.bat to unzip the files from dscan1b.exe into the c:\dscan directory. 3) From the file manager load the Database by executing (double click on it) c:\dscan\loadata.bat. Once the extraction of the c:\dscan\nucleus and other sub-directories is ended, close the DOS window. Test DSCAN by executing it c:\dscan\dscan.exe from the file manager. Test DSCAN Sub Module by executing c:\dscan\verb.hlp from the file manager. Test DSCAN Sub Module by executing c:\dscan\poems.hlp from the file manager. Test DSCAN Sub Module by executing c:\dscan\translat.hlp from the file manager. DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK ON DATA.EXE. THIS WILL EXTRACT THE FILES IN THE DSCAN DIRECTORY, NOT IN THE SUB-DIRECORIES. If this happens, just remove all the files in the c:\dscan directory that are also in the c:\dscan\nucleus directory. No mess on your machine. If you like it, create the program group and its icons depending of the version of Windows you are using. If you don't, remove the c:\dscan directory. No other files are placed anywhere else. DSCAN is compact, clean and independent. The Program group to create is: DSCAN French Module The 6 icons to be created are: the file c:\dscan\dscan.exe proposed name: DSCAN E-F the file c:\dscan\cleandb.exe proposed name: TOOL - DB Cleaner the file c:\dscan\dscan.hlp proposed name: Online Help the file c:\dscan\verb.hlp proposed name: Online verbs the file c:\dscan\poems.hlp proposed name: Samples and Poems the file c:\dscan\tranlsat.hlp proposed name: Rule & Conversions the file c:\dscan\loadata.bat proposed name: Load Data & DB If you do not need some of these modules, do not create the associated icons. You can move the dscan directory and its subdirectories on any drive or under any directory of your choice. *********************** List Of Necessary Files ****************************** The DSCAN-The Executive Bilingual Assistant package consists of the following files: THE DSCAN DIRECTORY AND SUBDIRECTORIES CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING FILES: DATA.EXE DSCAN.DOT TRANSLAT.HLP DSCAN.EXE VERB.HLP THREED.VBX CMDIALOG.VBX COMMDLG.DLL VBRUN300.DLL CLEANDB.EXE DATABASE DIRECTORY TRANS DIRECTORY TMP DIRECTORY TXT DIRECTORY NUCLEUS DIRECTORY DSCAN.HLP README.DOC LOADATA.BAT WPS.EXE THE NUCLEUS DIRECTORY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING FILES: ZAIRE TUNISI TOGO TCHAD SUISSE SEYCHE RUANDA READNUC.TXT QUEBEC NIGER MONACO MAROC MALI LUXEM LIBAN LAOS GABON FRANCE CONGO COMORE CAMERO CAMBO BURUND BURKIN BENIN BELGIU ALGERI 4_ZAIRE 4_TUNISI 4_TOGO 4_TCHAD 4_SUISSE 4_SEYCHE 4_RUANDA 4_QUEBEC 4_OTHERS.XYZ 4_NIGER 4_MONACO 4_MAROC 4_MALI 4_LUXEM 4_LIBAN 4_LAOS 4_GABON 4_FRANCE 4_CONGO 4_COMORE 4_CAMERO 4_CAMBO 4_BURUND 4_BURKIN 4_BENIN 4_BELGIU 4_ALGERI THE DATABSE SUB-DIRECTORY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING FILE: COMPUTER.EFI (SAMPLE USER DATABASE) THE TRANS SUB-DIRECTORY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING FILE: ALTRANS.TXT (SAMPLE USER TRANSLATION TEXT FILE) THE TXT SUB-DIRECTORY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING FILE: ALINTRNT.TXT (SAMPLE USER FRENCH INTERNET TEXT FILE) THE TMP SUB-DIRECTORY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING FILE: READTMP.TXT If you need any special functions, commands or databases, I will be glad to help, please contact: Irene Natalie Schneider & Dominique Gérard Schneider Metalwork drafter (75-78) - French Air Force Specialist (78-82) - Translator and AutoCad drafter (83-87) - Land Surveyor (85-90) - CAD/CAM Translator/Localization (90-to now). 120 Third Street Gurley Alabama 35748 Tel (205) 776-9967 E-Mail: idgurley@interserv.com Visit us at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/page_maison/homepage.htm